Thursday, 6 December 2012

Actress Amala Goes Back To 2nd Class Again!

Well she is a popular heroine during the late 80s and 90s but now she is a happening social activist who does all those best things to change this society. Here is she going back to 2nd standard and 3rd standard to do her favourite things. She is Amala Akkineni. More than an actress, the present generation knows her as an animal rights activist. Apart from working on animal welfare, Amala also loves to work with kids. The other day she is at a popular school in Hyderabad to teach 2nd and 3rd class students. She has taught them how to understand animal behaviour. As part of a teaching program for poor kids that was initiated by a popular news paper, Amala took this work. 'It is important to educate children about the behaviour of animals and that will raise their curiosity on nature', says the actress Amala. Well if many celebrities could follow Amala's way in teaching and other social welfare activities, achieving a New India will not be a distant dream. Good work Amala, keep going! 

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