Saturday, 24 August 2013

Question 4 :How do I tell my husband I cheated on him?

I've been married to my husband for 10 years. We married when we were 20, and I love him a lot, but I've cheated on him a lot throughout our marriage. I should have told him a while ago, but I couldn't hurt him. Now I think I should tell him. I cheated on him more than once. I had an affair with his best friend for about a year. It's over now and I still see him when he comes over. It's really hard seeing him knowing what we've done. I also cheated on him a couple of years back with a guy I worked with and that affair lasted about 4 months.

I don't want him to leave me. We have 2 children. I still love him and I really want to repair things. He's going to be so mad and hurt when I tell him, but I have to.. So, how do I tell him and how do I make things right?

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