Sunday, 25 August 2013

Reader's Jokes - A Teacher, a Priest and a Soldier in a Helicpoter

Another readers sent us in a joke. This new series of posts are up and running. See below for the email address to send in your joke. Thanks to Larry P. in Wheeling, West Virginia for this one!
A priest, an army man, and a teacher are all in a helicopter. The helicopter starts to go down, so the pilot says quick everybody through anything you have on you to lighten the chopper! So the teacher throws her apple, the priest throws his bible, and the army man throws his grenade. The helicopter lands safely, and the army man starts walking around when he sees a little girl crying. "Little girl, little girl, why are you crying?" The little girl answers, "an apple fell out of no where and hit me in the head!" The army man continues walking until he stumbles upon another crying girl. " little girl, little girl, why are you crying?" The girl responds, "a bible came out of no where and hit me in the head!" The army man is walking again and sees a little boy rolling around laughing. He walks up to the boy and asks, "little boy, little boy, why are you laughing so hard?" The boy laughs and says, "my grandpa farted, and the house behind him blew up!"
 Here are our other "Reader's Jokes."  Send those jokes in and we will try and post them ASAP.  Email your jokes to  THANKS!!!

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