Tuesday, 10 September 2013

My Friend Went to High School With a Porn Star

I was over at the friend of a friends house the other night and we got to talking about chicks and porn. Turns out the guy who lived where we were at (His name is Jay), went to high school in Cleveland with a porn star. We all called bullshit but he got out the yearbook and sure enough, there she was. He then did a quick internet search and showed us this pic, which a classmate of his made.  The image came up linked to 30+ different websites (now 30+1 since we have it.)  I can attest that this is the exact same yearbook picture that Jay showed me.

Her name in the yearbook was Shawna Scott. According to him, she was a nice girl and she dated one of his best friends so they hung out often. She was a cheerleader and a decent student. He thinks she got into porn because she got pregnant her senior year and had the baby right before graduation (The father was some older dude, not his friend - they had broken up by then.) The guy basically left her to raise the kid on her own and shit went downhill from there.

He was shocked to find out that she had done porn. He found out when a friend from high school forwarded some links of her videos. She started out in the industry as Kara Mynor, then changed her name to Kara Bare (I wish I could change names whenever I pleased!) She then got into the drug scene and just disappeared. Jay went back to his high school reunion and no one knew where she was at. The rumor was that she tried to kill herself and was in rehab. 

Apparently, she got out of rehab as she is back in porn under the name Shawna Lenee.  Pics are below.  We also have some NSFW Pics that we scoured the internet for.  She seems to be a pretty popular girl!

 If you like Porn Stars, then Click Here to See Our Collection of Porn Stars that have graced the posts of this blog!

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