Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Miley Cyrus New Single Cover - It Fits Her Life Right Now

I would say that Miley's life and career is turning into a giant wrecking ball.  She seems to be damaging everything she touches as of late.  Which brings us to her new single, entitled "Wrecking Ball" and the cover art for the single:

Now there are a few connotations here:
1.  As I mentioned above, she is a big wrecking ball, ready to destroy everything in her path, including her career.
2.  She thinks the giant chain is a stripper pole.
3.  She is getting off by rubbing on the giant change.
4.  That wrecking ball is actually the head of a giant penis...well...you can make your own obvious conclusions there.

Whatever it means, Miley is getting sluttier and sluttier.  And a slutty former Disney start who gets high, twerks her ass and is "discovering her sexuality" is a Former Disney Star who will make many appearances here on this blog!!!  

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